
第六世嘉仓仁波切佛法讲座 - 10月31日下午6-9点

第六世嘉仓仁波切佛法讲座 - 10月31日下午6-9点

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6 k: N, V- e- g8 X! ZOctober 31th is the Lhawab Festival, the great celebration of Buddha's descent from heaven. On this special day, starting at 6pm, we will have a Dharma teaching with question and answer session, followed by guru yoga puja. Those who wish to take or renew their upsaka vows will have the opportunity to do so.    n1 F5 q9 P' O0 p1 m3 w

- A# O2 I, o5 o+ E0 o十月三十一日,是佛陀天降日,在这个重要的节日里,我们将举行一个佛法教学与问答,想受五戒的人, 我们会有受戒仪式, 还有供奉上师的瑜伽颂,欢迎广大信众前来参加。      

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( f. ^6 m; X. `; {3 c3 U# _+ t1 W, M时间:10月31日(周三)下午6-9点,
# P) x, @" V0 f地址在:卡莫森学院新教学大楼
( V- q! U1 n! M5 TAddress:Young building at Camosun Lansdowne
9 W, k+ |% I/ @1 h8 L8 K* ]

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  f& f7 L0 V& U- q+ T: F' u' \+ ]  D  ?
[ 本帖最后由 维度传媒 于 2018-10-29 10:39 编辑 ]


