
Special B.C. Student Send-off Events in China - June 15 and July 12

Special B.C. Student Send-off Events in China - June 15 and July 12

转自UVic Alumni Relations。
8 N' |% r/ n3 U; a" ]可能一些即将从北京,上海来UVic上学的同学们会对以下的events有兴趣:. E, h9 C% N6 A3 _1 K, u

# O- y8 K  N8 m3 J1 |
+ R9 W7 s) f% _% {# M- F) o+ [' K9 k( Y, {! b6 j+ Z
We are pleased to invite you to join us at two upcoming student send-off events in China.* h% s- c6 D5 w+ r: d
' r+ |  t2 C6 U& l; h0 a% k4 }  U
These events will be a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow UVic alumni living in China, as well as to share your knowledge and experience with new students who will be attending post-secondary institutions in British Columbia in the fall.8 a" \; x" }  D
. n* ~: h1 m# h1 K7 D3 m' I+ Q
8 c* s) C! r; F8 m+ G, |3 J
加拿大BC学生北京行前欢送会* {9 y$ d# P9 v; V1 W' |
Annual B.C. Student Send-off # @4 M: b8 f- w
in Beijing
8 V( l7 G2 J7 y; w7 y+ T  k! H+ i% d9 a( E8 j$ H
Sunday, June 15, 2014
/ n7 u: O& Y% l2 y6 m10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
$ u4 v0 |5 N; o
) f! w. l" L7 n4 v$ k  CThe Canadian Alumni Network is proud to present the 7th annual send-off which includes a meal and brings together alumni and other guests to share their experiences with students heading toBritish Columbia.
! w  x6 P6 x0 `4 `4 \! V0 ?( O1 N; \. q+ v" I* |1 L7 K: P. z
% S. ]/ J( f) W; ~( _8 p10 a.m. – Brunch9 a, {5 R6 U' v+ N; I' T0 d; x
10:30 a.m. – Speaking and Q&A
( Q* i# N1 l% D' p. H11:30 a.m. – Group photo
, M5 L- P+ _- h( ?/ i% t! A5 ]) |
% M" z8 |6 m" g7 @Blue Frog, 1st Floor, Indigo Mall! h6 w! ]. ^7 F0 p
18 Jiuxianqiao, Chaoyang District, Beijing6 f) P7 M" Z* h: V- F4 \. y

: \# t$ @1 W$ N4 e& `1 b" s' q. b2 W5 v$ t( K  n8 ^3 R0 g
* S, t2 f/ a: N# c4 g- aStudent Pre-Departure Seminar , z) N! u/ H, h9 ?
in Shanghai0 ^# P/ {9 T4 E& l& R
/ U& B; }& M4 P. v; U0 k. h; Z
Saturday, July 12, 20140 X7 q9 a' I! b  H
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.% O6 c4 c, [, \9 |3 Q; h5 q# k
# C+ p) u0 n# D  [7 {( d2 _
Alumni are invited to take part in this afternoon tea and share their experiences and lessons with new students, providing a window into the opportunities and challenges for students moving to British Columbia.
% i8 A! g' T* p5 B6 I
) Y5 ?! R+ s6 Z8 tThe British Columbia Trade and Investment Office in Shanghai will host this B.C. pre-departure seminar with the participation of the Canadian Consul General in Shanghai.# q+ |' Q0 v, S

6 n2 o+ S- D) S/ k( Q8 P  J* d- dLocation:. c5 p; n$ M! E' K1 F2 O
No. 201 Anfu Road( A! ]* k. Y7 K; `' p! e% S
Xuhui District, Shanghai8 [& j+ u  |/ a9 T
* h% b% [- w( r! i* U! _
There is no cost to attend either of these special events. If you would like to attend, please RSVP by email to events@alumni.uvic.ca before Wednesday, June 11. Space is limited.
+ J& a7 F" t, p
% A+ ~. I( X# e) xKindly include the following information in your RSVP email: the city/event you would like to attend, your full name, Chinese phone number, UVic degree information and the name(s) of any guests.
* i; n9 w  S" {# ?  L- e0 P8 K' D( n, _& Q0 ?4 B
We hope to see you soon!. ]. [, O( X$ F  s

2 f; i3 w$ ]7 C- l5 jSincerely,
2 ~  i/ `* [0 W: A9 eUVic Alumni Relations
8 f* E; Z: ^* ^2 S+ Y& Zalumni.uvic.ca

