


一渔民卖偏口, 鳕鱼, 或虾。
死的2-2。5刀(鱼)一磅, 活的2。6刀一磅。 虾大的5刀, 小的1刀。  都是刚捕的, 到悉尼吗头船上自取, 或凑够20人对方送。
感兴趣的请联系Tony McDermid 250-213-3403


实在有愧于各位的期望, 我只好再做以下澄清:
1。 我只是向各位提供一个信息, 不得任何利, 也不愿组织什么, 实在太忙。
2。 取鱼是在船上, 上周二他靠的是Tsehum Habour (off Restheaven past Habour RD if going from Beacon), 确切时间, 地点最好打他手机。
3。 上周二他卸的是活龙利 (山东称偏口), 有Lemon Sole 和Rock Sole, 鱼是在船上一水池里, 还活动。  死的有鳕鱼(cod) 和涝斑 (鳐,skate)。 你想要什么鱼可事先告诉他。
4。 我个人觉得买他的鱼倒不省几个银子, 一是新鲜, 还是野的。  守着四边大海再去吃人工养的罗鲱 (Tilapia),Trout, Atlantic Salmon 或冻泰国或中国虾等等?
5。有一老中(不一定说国语)正在组织20人, 我的理解是要10磅以上。以下是他的原话:
As of this morning I have the three of you as part of the group. I called the fisherman whom I've known for many years and he is out fishing presently for shrimp; this will be available to you as well.
At present, we will work at trying to get a larger group. So what ever fish you want/need will be supplied to you when Tony McDermid goes out fishing. We'll notify you by email or telephone; Please give me your phone numbers if you haven't done so. When Tony goes out to fish for the commercial buyer, he will catch your fish as well, and notify you when/where to pick up you fish. I'd like to eventually work out a co-op strategy and have the group share the pick up and distribution. It will work if we put our collective minds together.

我可能每隔一周要去买一次, 家人都很喜欢。  我可以帮一, 两个人带买, 不须摊油钱, 只要你信得过我。

