

要是十八岁及以上加拿大公民并且在选举日时要在本省住满了六个月本省居民。 这些条件都是“与”的(运算)关系,不是“或”的(运算)关系。
9 D7 V1 ~* Y, [
1 `, b! Q* R" `9 M9 r/ K所以在大家提问侯选人会怎样为(新)移民和国际学生服务时,实际就是在问侯选人会怎样关心这些并不能投票的人们。- G, |( e/ O: F5 q8 l

  M3 r( q, P/ @4 c% _
. z) J9 O( d3 [+ m+ VTo vote in a provincial election you must:
; w. }' g9 Z' d. K- K0 vbe registered as a voter,# C8 W. e- B. U1 z+ t: D; h
be a Canadian citizen,
6 G2 w6 r/ V$ y6 Y# H5 Obe at least 18 years old on General Voting Day,
' `0 d: X6 d6 I( Gbe a resident of the electoral district where the election is being held,
8 L7 \( v* Y3 j$ m8 dhave lived in B.C. for the six months before General Voting Day, and
, t, l+ `6 l# r" E- pnot be disqualified from voting.

