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标题: 请教一下,来维多利亚旅游,有中国驾照,能直接租车开吗? [打印本页]

作者: 唐僧老哥    时间: 2012-8-14 15:35     标题: 请教一下,来维多利亚旅游,有中国驾照,能直接租车开吗?

作者: Tom62    时间: 2012-8-14 15:49

作者: s2000    时间: 2012-8-14 16:27

肯定是不行的呢,icbc写的很清楚,只有留学生或者用工签的人才能用中国驾照,外加翻译证明,外加学生的study permit 或着工作人的 working permit才能上路,其他的情况只能办国际驾照,中国并没有参加日内瓦条约吧,所以中国也根本没有国际驾照。。。
作者: 灵雨桑田    时间: 2012-8-16 10:16


As per the BC Motor Vehicle Act, the following applies:

Upon establishing residency in B.C., new British Columbians can drive on their valid out-of-province driver's licence for up to 90 days. After that time, they must obtain a B.C. driver's licence to continue to drive in the province, even if they also have an International Driving Permit.

Non-resident drivers, such as tourists and non-resident workers, can drive on their valid out-of-province driver's licence for up to 6 months from the date they last entered the province. The 6-month time period applies to all non-resident drivers, including those who may also have an international driving permit. After that time, they must hold a B.C. driver's licence to drive in the province.

Non-resident drivers who are registered as students and who are attending designated B.C. educational institutions can drive on their valid out-of-province/foreign driver’s licence and do not have to hold a B.C. driver’s licence for that period of time. This exemption applies to all out-of-province full-time students, from anywhere in the world, while at a designated B.C. institution.
作者: kevin6096    时间: 2012-8-16 15:22

作者: 亚历山大翻译    时间: 2012-8-25 08:19

以下两个ICBC的网址应该是最新的说明了。异地驾车请注意安全(最好事先上ICBC看一下BC省的各种交通标示再上路),Have fun!

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