
Cadboro Bay Festival - 今天沙雕比赛 - Gyro Park

Cadboro Bay Festival - 今天沙雕比赛 - Gyro Park

8 ~' s$ _1 o* s8 U1 S) J* o9 r7 V* ?: z+ {2 [3 w6 ?( V; I' o0 B
Cadboro Bay Festival
3 v3 Q! [- q7 A* Q3 S! ?! w' NSunday, August 12, 2018
) ?" X4 s  j) Z) n1 ]% h11:00 am - 3:00 pm! s0 u) J- W# s3 v5 c" `
Free Admission# J0 L( N0 H' V: Z! z3 w

& f1 f7 D' @4 I% g0 mEnjoy three local bands performing on stage throughout the afternoon.
- x; N' t( E+ h6 ~' o9 L, [Stage Schedule$ }1 m- C4 B  R4 B. o* g
11:00 - 12:05 pm      Freeze Frame  (80's cover tunes)9 l9 x& L: A) h2 x
12:20 - 1:30 pm        Tropic Mayhem  (Beach Boys)1 K7 Q; a4 |, o0 i
1:45 - 3:00 pm          Younger Than Yesterday   (Beatles, 60's hits)
8 s5 k9 l& }% g2 N4 }0 X
Event Parking2 b/ Y: F! U) d' |) t, q3 Z- |7 _
The main parking area at Cadboro - Gyro Park typically fills up quickly so the large grass area inside the park will be open for additional parking.  The GRASS PARKING area will close at 5:00 pm/ x% R1 a& G/ B" }  E  J- U- u
NEW for 2018: please note that the only entrance to the grass parking area will be off Cadboro Bay Road, no vehicle access to parking using Penrhyn Street.4 N6 ?1 j0 d0 t2 X. _
Parking Map - Please click here to view event parking options [PDF - 282 KB]

