
Cadboro Bay Festival - 今天沙雕比赛 - Gyro Park

Cadboro Bay Festival - 今天沙雕比赛 - Gyro Park

# e1 |& Q7 @+ J; D5 @# f) ?* X# Q- a3 G* f/ Y4 i' d" Z
Cadboro Bay Festival
% g: S; {* h) M: BSunday, August 12, 2018; ?5 k# u' ?& M3 ?2 Q# l
11:00 am - 3:00 pm" l! K  k6 G! y, N+ G
Free Admission; h. e" W8 r2 R/ e, B) U- m
, g2 @% A) j1 M* C6 @1 R3 Y+ a$ b  E; S
Enjoy three local bands performing on stage throughout the afternoon.
1 g1 j; l3 d# B0 I! Z) AStage Schedule6 B' n! l7 @: h+ y, J) u* Y! U/ d2 r
11:00 - 12:05 pm      Freeze Frame  (80's cover tunes)( t1 t" [9 L0 c3 Z5 K
12:20 - 1:30 pm        Tropic Mayhem  (Beach Boys)+ h) s5 o2 {$ n" C7 }
1:45 - 3:00 pm          Younger Than Yesterday   (Beatles, 60's hits)
+ j9 e7 u1 g# c: \- R8 V( U" s7 q& X. B8 T
Event Parking
/ ^% i6 O( W9 P+ D; vThe main parking area at Cadboro - Gyro Park typically fills up quickly so the large grass area inside the park will be open for additional parking.  The GRASS PARKING area will close at 5:00 pm4 t5 K* X: V! c! g3 U0 f9 L$ I
NEW for 2018: please note that the only entrance to the grass parking area will be off Cadboro Bay Road, no vehicle access to parking using Penrhyn Street.
0 w. M5 j3 e$ V4 nParking Map - Please click here to view event parking options [PDF - 282 KB]

